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Project helps preserve water in an area of ​​Oxapampa

Project helps preserve water in an area of ​​Oxapampa

Project helps preserve water in an area of ​​Oxapampa

With the objective of conserving, encouraging revegetation and restoring the forests of the Oxapampa Asháninka-Yanesha Biosphere Reserve (Bioay), the Oxapampa Project began almost a decade ago.

Under the formal name of “participatory management for the conservation, reforestation and management of areas of water interest in the Bioay reserve”, more than 2,500 hectares of riparian forests have been recovered, more than 2,000 residents have been trained and, annually, more than three million m3 have been replenished to nature. It is estimated that the project has positively impacted the lives of 42,000 people.

“The main axes of this initial proposal were, first, to seek recognition of the delimitation of the zones of water interest and the areas of hydroecological interest, both in the sub-basins of the Chorobamba River and the sub-basin of the Pichis River. Then, promote reciprocal water agreements (ARAs) and conservation agreements to secure these areas. Finally, start a communication and awareness campaign, to ensure that the authorities and the population in general can get involved in this initiative.” comments to El Comercio Edgardo Castro, coordinator of the project.

hard work

One of the main challenges of this project was the education part for the population. How to summon them to the program to take care of the river basins and forests, if they were not clear where the water what do they consume?


More data

New trees. More than 86,380 trees have been planted, including native (Uculmano, strong devil, walnut) and exotic (cypress, pine, oak).

The alliance. This project is an alliance between the Avina Foundation, the Institute for the Common Good and Coca-Cola Peru.

“Through interviews and surveys, we discovered that the population thought that the water for their consumption came from the upper part of the snow-capped mountains, which are hundreds of kilometers away, when in reality it comes from a few kilometers. But not only that: they also did not associate the importance of preserving riparian forests with feeding fish. So, at first it was hard work so that the communities understood the importance of the project”recalls Castro.

Over time, the population was seeing the results and that helped them promote the protection of the natural environment.

sensitive areas

The jungle and montane forests, areas associated with water sources, are among the most threatened ecosystems in the country, according to Renzo Piana, executive director of the Institute for the Common Good (IBC).

“When these forests are deforested for cattle ranching or slash-and-burn agriculture, they lose their water retention capacity. That is why one of the strongest tasks in the great basin of the Pachitea river is to protect the upper parts to guarantee the production of water, which benefits the inhabitants of the area”, emphasizes the spokesperson.

Source: Elcomercio

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