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End of life: Medical Academy advocates for the right to euthanasia

On Monday, the National Academy of Medicine called for an “exclusive” right to assisted suicide, while eliminating the use of euthanasia. The decision comes as the government is due to introduce “by the end of the summer” an “active death care” bill that is the subject of a sharp split between supporters and opponents of euthanasia.

In an opinion entitled “Promoting a dignified and peaceful end to life: responding to inhuman suffering and protecting the most vulnerable people”, the Academy accepts “in exceptional cases assisted suicide under imperative conditions”. He insists on the need for strong safeguards, such as “peer review taking place before any decision is made” or even “authorization and prescribing without the use of a lethal product by physicians and caregivers, resulting in complete freedom of choice for the patient.” .

The difference between euthanasia and euthanasia

A clear distinction is made between euthanasia, which the Academy endorses, and euthanasia (i.e., a symbolic” act. “Professionals and members of associations for the support of the dying oppose and fear this practice,” she continues. “Euthanasia, unlike euthanasia, violates the Hippocratic Oath. I will never be the cause of death provided by any doctor. »

But the institution warns that, according to it, establishing the right to end of life implies “the need to create a palliative care offer throughout the territory that meets the needs and is accompanied by the necessary funds.” The Ministry of Health lists 5,618 beds of this category in France, distributed in 901 health facilities.

Source: Le Parisien

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