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Pain in joints, back, “cracked” neck: these “deviant” practices of some osteopaths

Pain in joints, back, “cracked” neck: these “deviant” practices of some osteopaths

Pain in joints, back, “cracked” neck: these “deviant” practices of some osteopaths

Back pain, neck pain, neck pain… “Out of about forty patients a day, at least one comes to me after being treated by an osteopath,” says Antoine Brinken, a general practitioner working at the trauma center in Vannes (Morbihan). Osteos, public danger? The question, of course, is provocative, regarding recognized and regulated professionals. But the behavior of some of them is condemned by “white coats” who see it as a source of pain or injury.

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One of the most iconic is what we call the “neck crunch.” Synovial fluid, which lubricates joints, is also in a gaseous state. Bubbles may form and when they burst you will hear the famous “crack” sound. “Cracking your knuckles per se is not as risky as cracking your knuckles. But going beyond what the joint can accept is dangerous,” says Antoine Brinken.

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Source: Le Parisien

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