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Netanyahu calls for continued military pressure on Gaza after the release of 2 Argentine hostages

Netanyahu calls for continued military pressure on Gaza after the release of 2 Argentine hostages

Netanyahu calls for continued military pressure on Gaza after the release of 2 Argentine hostages

Benjamin Netanyahu This Monday he defended his strategy of maintaining military pressure on Link as a way of freeing the hostages, after the Israeli Army managed to free two captives in an operation in Rafah.

“I salute our brave warriors for the bold action that led to liberation” of the two hostagessaid the Israeli prime minister. “Only the continuation of military pressure, until complete victory, will result in the release of our hostages,” the president added in a statement.

LOOK: Israel rescues two Argentine hostages from Hamas in Gaza in an operation that left 100 people dead

In turn, the Forum for Families of Hostages and Missing Personscelebrated that Israeli forces managed to free the two captives, Fernando Simón Marman and Norberto Luis Haralthough I warned again Netanyahu of what “Time is running out for the hostages held by Hamas.”

The lives of the more than 130 hostages still in Gaza – only a hundred of them are believed to be alive and the rest dead – “are at risk with every passing moment”to which “the Israeli government must exhaust all options it has on the table to free them,” the family members said.

The family and friends of the hostages have increased pressure on the authorities to reach any agreement with Hamas which involves the release of your loved ones, while Netanyahu assured that Hamas’ demands for a truce were not acceptable and has appealed until now to continue with the military route.

Tonight’s complex operation that led to The release of both prisoners is the second that the Israeli Army has successfully carried out since the start of the war, more than 4 months ago, after also managing to free an Israeli soldier in October.

On October 7th, the day the conflict began, when Hamas made a surprise attack on Israel, Palestinian militiamen took more than 240 hostages to Gaza.

Of these, in addition to the two captives released todaya total of 112 were releasedmost in a week-long truce last November.

The rescue operation in Rafa This morning it occurred while Israeli forces attacked the city – home to around 1.4 million Palestinians – with intense bombings, which resulted in the deaths of around a hundred people, according to Palestinian sources.

Source: Elcomercio

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