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Learn how to make a lemon pie ice cream with 4 ingredients

Learn how to make a lemon pie ice cream with 4 ingredients

Learn how to make a lemon pie ice cream with 4 ingredients

Creamy and delicious. With this prescription of lemon pie ice cream and the instructions for The Gastronaut, you can enjoy with family this weekend. The best thing is that it only takes only 4 ingredients.

Write down the steps and get ready for an unforgettable dessert.



  • The juice of 6 lemons
  • 2 packages of crushed vanilla cookies
  • 2 cups or 500 ml cold cream
  • 1 large can of condensed milk (393 g)


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Start beating the cream until it is lightly whipped, not whipped, but thick. In a separate bowl, mix the condensed milk with the lemon juice. It is important not to do it directly with the milk cream so that it does not cut. When the condensed milk and lemon juice are properly integrated, add the whipped milk cream and integrate until it is a homogeneous mixture. Add crushed cookies, mix and put in a mold suitable for the freezer with a lid. Freeze for a minimum of 8 hours before serving.


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Source: Elcomercio

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