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Ibai Llanos and the picarones and other stars who caused controversy for talking about Peruvian food

Ibai Llanos and the picarones and other stars who caused controversy for talking about Peruvian food

Ibai Llanos and the picarones and other stars who caused controversy for talking about Peruvian food

The recent controversy generated in social networks with the famous Spanish ‘streamer’, Ibai Llanosstating that the picarones are of Chilean origin, will not be the first nor the last, since Peruvian gastronomy is a ‘delicate’ subject that unleashes passions.

In a commercial for a well-known brand of soft drinks aimed at the Chilean public, the internet star stated that the picarones originate from the southern country. Given the revolt caused on Twitter by the error, Llanos had to speak out and rectify himself:

On what other occasions did the controversy around stars and Peruvian food flare up? Here are some of the most emblematic cases:

Ed Sheeran

During his visit to Chile in 2017, after giving a concert in Peru and discovering our gastronomy, the British singer caused controversy by declaring in an interview with the Chilean radio program Los 40 Chile that the Pisco Sour Peruvian is better than Chilean. During the Interview, Ed Sheeran he was asked by the journalist about what he likes about Chile, and after affirming that he liked wine, the interviewer told him that his country also has pisco sour: “Look, I think I prefer the Peruvian pisco sour, but their wine ( Chilean wine) is better than the Peruvian”, declared the interpreter of “Shape of You” with which he won, even more, the white and red hearts.

Minogue Kylie

A video from 2018 went viral this year on the TikTok social network where the Australian singer is appreciated, Minogue Kylie, answering a Chilean journalist about his taste for pisco sour. “Did you like the pisco sour? Some say he is not from Chile.” To which she replied, “Really? He is Peruvian. Well, they offered me one last night and told me it’s from here.” The fanaticism of the singer for the Peruvian pisco sour is already known, since she has declared it on different occasions considering it one of her favorite cocktails.

Kylie Minogue declares herself a fan of Peruvian pisco sour.  (Photo: Instagram)


Chilean singer americo He was in trouble when the host of the program En boca de todos, Tula Rodríguez, asked him about the origin of pisco: “Pisco? Wherever it is from, it is rich just the same”, answered the singer in a neutral way without the intention of causing a controversy between the two countries again around the origin of pisco.

The Chilean singer surprised when commenting on the origin of pisco.  (Facebook)

Myriam Hernandez

In 2008, the Chilean singer Myriam Hernandez Known for her hits “El hombre que yo amo” and “Smell of danger”, she boldly evaded in Lima the classic question about pisco sour and which nationality is her favorite: “They always ask me the same question. I’m not going to be pretty, but I’m going to tell you honestly that Peru has great pisco. However, the pisco sour Chilean I prepare it with the Peruvian recipe”, the Chilean artist declared to the press causing different reactions in the public.

Myriam Hernández will visit Peru and give a concert at the Plaza Arena of the Jockey Club on Mother's Day, at 6 pm (Photo: Official Facebook)


The Mexican vocalist of the band Manna made the mistake of stating that pisco was Chilean during its presentation at the Viña del Mar Festival in 2003. “Pisco is not Chilean, pisco is Peruvian, they already explained to me that it comes from the (Peruvian) port of Pisco, that in Quechua it means ‘bird’”, he declared days later on Peruvian television. This clarification was necessary because the Peruvian public was left quite dissatisfied after affirming the Chilean origin of pisco. Already at the concert, Fher again apologized to the thousands of people and exclaimed: “Up with the Peruvian pisco, damn it!”

Manna.  (Photo: Twitter)

Source: Elcomercio

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