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Baked chicken: the best tips for a juicy and evenly colored chicken

Baked chicken: the best tips for a juicy and evenly colored chicken

Baked chicken: the best tips for a juicy and evenly colored chicken

Knowing a recipe for cooking baked chicken will save us from any inconvenience. Easy to prepare and with few ingredients, the baked chicken from Yo Madre’s Recipes will enter your personal cookbook once you finish reading this note.

Follow the steps:


  • A whole chicken
  • A stick of butter (small package)
  • a teaspoon of pepper
  • a teaspoon of cumin
  • ½ teaspoon of salt


Wash the chicken well and pat dry to remove all excess water. Mix the butter at room temperature, with the salt, pepper and cumin. This will turn into a cream. Smear all the chicken with this mixture, do it with very clean hands. Season the chicken inside and out, including under the skin. Do it carefully so it doesn’t get damaged. When the chicken is well seasoned, tie the chicken legs with a wick to make it better. Put the chicken on a tray, cover it with aluminum foil and take it to the preheated oven for about an hour. You can put heat up and down, but always control it. Leave the foil on for the first 30 minutes and then remove it. Remember that all ovens are different, so I suggest you always check. Once the chicken is ready, remove it from the oven.

NOTE: You could take advantage of this preparation to put some cocktail-type chips or peeled and chopped potatoes, also seasoned, to have the menu almost complete. Aluminum foil helps to give an even color to your baking. If you don’t have it at home, put the chicken in the oven without covering it, but always check.

*For more practical and economical recipes, you can go to the YouTube channel Yo Madre’s Recipes.

Source: Elcomercio

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