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Airport: why is it called that and what is the origin of the popular dish of chifas

Airport: why is it called that and what is the origin of the popular dish of chifas

Airport: why is it called that and what is the origin of the popular dish of chifas

The chifas arrived in the country when Chinese immigration began to merge their recipes with Peruvian inputs, this dates from the 19th century, from there this food began to become very popular and some dishes such as chaufa or airport stand out. And precisely the airport, is one of the most original and we are not only referring to preparation, but also to its origin.

How was the airport born?

Humberto Rodríguez Pastor, an anthropologist from the PUCP and the UNMSM, tries to unravel in his book “Chinese in Peruvian society” how one of the most famous dishes of the fusion of Peruvian and Chinese cultures was born. But before going into detail in history, it is necessary to know the context that was lived.

The first generation of Chinese who arrived in Peru were called coolies, they had the quality of semi-slaves and were taken to the haciendas, guano reservoirs and railways to work, when they were able to free themselves from this regime they created fondas and fondins, a large part of the That they knew about cooking they had learned in their work with the wealthiest families of the time. The Tusans, those Chinese born in the country, continued the tradition.

Why is it called ‘Airport’?

It is in this way that dishes such as Airport began to be born, which according to Rodríguez Pastor is the derivative of Chinese cuisine most accepted by Lima diners. Regarding the name, it is related to the landing or arrival in Peru of two ingredients that are included in the recipe: noodles and Chinese beans.

There is another story that has become popular in society that indicates that the name of the dish comes from the fact that the inns that prepared it were located near the Jorge Chávez airport.

Source: Elcomercio

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