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Vietnamese rolls: a fresh and delicious recipe to share with the family

Vietnamese rolls: a fresh and delicious recipe to share with the family

Vietnamese rolls: a fresh and delicious recipe to share with the family

the gastronaut teaches us to prepare a very easy recipe to make. In addition, it is ideal for summer due to its freshness. Go ahead and make it at home for your family or guests, you will not regret it.


For the peanut sauce:

Vietnamese rolls, an easy preparation to make from La Gastronauta.


Hydrate the rice vermicelli until soft and drain. We give the desired cut to our vegetables and proteins, so that they are the perfect snack. To assemble the rolls, we hydrate a sheet of rice by passing it through water for a few seconds until it is soft. We stretch out on a clean surface and fill as desired by placing the desired ingredients, one on top of the other, only on the side closest to us. Then, we fold the ends inward, and roll them away from the base roll. We serve with the peanut sauce that is made by mixing all the detailed ingredients.

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Source: Elcomercio

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