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Beers for all tastes: meet some varieties that are setting trends in the world

Beers for all tastes: meet some varieties that are setting trends in the world

Beers for all tastes: meet some varieties that are setting trends in the world

With the usual ingredients, plus special inputs and alternatives in production, styles of incredible flavor and texture are created in beers. Peru, being a brewer par excellence, has a true passion for this drink.

Styles such as Lager or India Pale Ale are classics in delighting the national palate, but the universe of yeasts, malt and hops, has much to offer. The # 1 independent brewery in the world, BrewDog, tells us about trends that generate surprise.

Beers, with nitrogen?

During fermentation, yeast causes the formation of alcohol and carbonation of the drink, that is, carbon dioxide. When bottled, it can be infused with nitrogen, which gives a creamy texture to the beer, with a dense foam and smooth to taste.

Flavored with coffee

Bringing the best of two worlds together, combining beer and coffee creates memorable drinks, these beans being a valuable input in the ‘chelero’ world. They are often found in dark beers, such as Porter or Stout, whose color and flavor have a natural affinity for coffee and its various types. In fact, a bitter espresso undertone is present in the Roaster Coaster, a Stout with hints of chocolate, vanilla, and a hint of nuts in this nitrogenous option.

Taste for acid

It is a myth. Beer does not always have to be bitter, as the fantastic sour proposals show. Sour beers are typically low in alcohol, and include styles like Berliner Weisse and Lambic. The acidity, its main characteristic, comes from fermentation with microorganisms, and they are often enhanced in flavor thanks to dry hops, along with fruity hints such as grapefruit or mandarin.

With endless options, the world of beer never ceases to amaze. In addition to the usual, classic and inevitable styles, there is a universe to go further. It’s just a matter of daring and freezing the next can. You can learn more about BrewDog at @BrewDogPeru, on Instagram and Facebook.

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