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Recycling Day: how to do it in times of quarantine?

The quarantine for him COVID-19 He is teaching us about family bonding, new recipes, movie days, and lots of fun times. However, in this confinement we can also learn habits such as recycling. Just two days before the World Recycling Day (May 17), we tell you how you can do it at home.

1. Store clean waste. Always rinse plastic drink bottles, milk or food tetra packs. The ideal is to have a recycling station with four containers: the first for paper, one for cardboard, plastics and glass, another for bottles and a last for tetra pack, cans and scrap metal.

2. Look for the recycling of elements that are easy to clean so that bad odors are not generated with the content that may remain in the containers. If you have a compost bin or container where you can decompose organic matter, you will have no problems.

3. If there is a person with COVID-19 at home, it is better not to recycle, and to be very careful when disposing of the garbage. If there is a sick person, it is better not to take risks.

4. Make compost or compost to reduce your organic waste, if you are going to be at home for a long time this is a good plan to apply as a family. On the internet there are several videos to learn how to do it.

5. Teach your children to separate the remains of what they are no longer using, and explain what is recyclable. In time it will become a habit and later a good habit.

6. You can take advantage of this quarantine to talk a little more about recycling with your family and get informed together, and thus start recycling.

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