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Where do they sell the best nougats in Lima, according to chatGPT?

October is the month of nougat par excellence. Currently, there are classic ones made with wheat flour, anise, fruit honey and colored dragees. But over the years, various stores, businesses and restaurants have varied the recipe a little and have released some special ones made with other ingredients such as whole wheat flour, nuts, flour mixes, among others. We asked chatGPT where to buy the best nougats in Lima and this was the answer:

Artificial intelligence indicates that “the choice of the best nougat in Lima can be subjective and will depend largely on the personal tastes of each individual.”

However, he explains that some brands and places that are usually highly rated for the quality of their nougats in Lima include:

1. San José:

San José is a Peruvian nougat brand with a solid reputation. Their nougats are widely known and appreciated in Lima and throughout the country.

2. El Turroncito:

This is another local brand that has gained popularity for its high-quality nougats. They offer a variety of traditional flavors.

3. Local pastry shops:

Some local pastry shops in Lima, such as La Minka or La Casa del Alfajor, are also known for their homemade nougat and other Christmas sweets.

4. Christmas fairs:

During the Christmas season, many fairs and events in Lima offer a variety of artisanal and traditional nougats that are popular with locals.

5. Market stalls:

Some local market stalls may surprise you with their delicious homemade nougat. Don’t be afraid to try different places.

Remember that the best nougat is the one you like the most, so I recommend exploring different options and trying several to find your favorites. You can ask local friends or read online reviews for specific recommendations on where to find nougats that best suit your personal tastes.”he concludes.

Source: Elcomercio

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