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Probiotic Festival: 5 Delicious and Healthy Ferment Options

Before, we consider it important to understand more about the microbiota and why it is important to take care of it. For that, Advantage spoke with the journalist and nutritionist Patricia Castañeda, who also told us why probiotics are important and how the ferments are related.

The microbiota is a set of microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, among others) that live inside our intestines and coexist in harmony. “When we eat a diet that mainly includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, that is, high in fiber, our microbiota is healthy,” explains the specialist.

Problems can arise when the consumption of ultra-processed foods prevails in our diet. Some of the changes that Castañeda comments on include the presence of dry or acne-prone skin, mood changes, and even the immune system is affected.

“Balance in nutrition is important. While you must eat whole foods for good health, you cannot try to live a life that is 100% free of processed products to any extent. It is important to take care of our health and immune system, without becoming obsessed,” says the journalist.

So… what are probiotics?

A good diet requires, among other things, the consumption of prebiotics and probiotics, both important in the process of feeding the microbiota. The former include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts, for example. The latter, on the other hand, are found in fermented foods.

Kimchi is a classic preparation of Korean cuisine based on cabbage.

“The consumption of products such as probiotic yogurt of plant or animal origin, sauerkraut and kombucha, to name a few, is important in this sense, but always in measured quantities,” he adds.

By the way, five Peruvian brands that offer ferments in various formats:


From Cusco comes Qambu, a brand created in 2022 that seeks to celebrate supplies from the local pantry. Thus, they offer this ancient drink with probiotic properties, prepared with black tea from Quillabamba, muña and other fruits from the Cusco Valley. Among the flavors they offer we find Coca, Chicha morada, strawberry, passion fruit and aguaymanto.


You can place your orders via Instagram at @qambuperu and in stores, restaurants and main ecomarkets in Cusco, Lima, Arequipa and Puerto Maldonado.

Tayta Fermentos

Riders Rossini and Samuel Gamero are the creators of Tayta Fermentos, a brand focused on healthy eating. On their menu we can find sauerkraut in two delicious versions: red cabbage and white cabbage. This ferment stands out for its acidic flavor and crunchy texture, perfect to serve with salads, stews and meats.


Tayta Fermentos It is present in more than 150 healthy stores, biodegas, minimarkets, virtual stores throughout Lima and provinces such as Trujillo and Cusco. They respond to orders through their social networks @taytafermentos or mainly through WhatsApp 968 204 147.


This brand offers various healthy and vegan-friendly foods. For example, probiotic soy yogurt is a lactose-free option that is very creamy and comes with a touch of vanilla. It can be enjoyed alone, with fruits and granola, with blue spirulina or included in smoothies at your local store.


Naturlandia It has stores in Lima (Calle Narciso de la Colina 145, Miraflores), Cusco (Carmen Alto 146 – San Blas), Trujillo (Torre Tagle 147) and in Arequipa (Urb. Los Altitos A9 Cayma). You can learn more on their Instagram (@naturlandialima) or on their website (

Four Bacteria

Jenny Novoa is the creator of this brand born in the pandemic. Through various ferment options she aims to educate the public about the value of these foods. One of the most popular options is 4B sodas, which are water kefir. This refreshing drink, fermented with cultures of beneficial bacteria, is combined with different flavors such as prickly pear, pineapple, dragon fruit (or pitahaya), kión and butterfly pea.


You can buy the products from Four Bacteria through Instagram (@cuatrobacterias) or contact WhatsApp 901 164 448.


This is a traveling gastronomic project, which focuses on research into fermentation and its possibilities. Their list of products varies with the seasons, but one of the packs you can currently find is the Ying Yang. It consists of portions of fermented garlic, with an acidic touch, and other pickles, with a sweeter flavor. Ideal for use in recipes, thanks to their versatility.


Instagram @o_proyectogastronomico

Source: Elcomercio

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