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Do not you know what to cook today? 7 simple and tasty recipes for the week

Don’t know what dishes to cook for yourself? weekly menu? Today we share seven recipes that will solve your lunches. You will find easy, delicious and varied preparations. In addition, we share a drink and dessert option with you. Don’t forget to save the link so you can review it daily. Let’s get started!

1. Monday

Rice torrejas

Did you have leftover rice? Make the most of leftovers with this simple and quick recipe that is also versatile since you can add whatever you have on hand: vegetables or cheese.

Read the recipe for rice towers

2. Tuesday

Chickpea falafel

Falafels, a delicious dish made with chickpeas.

Beans are very nutritious and it is necessary to include them in our diet on a regular basis. If you don’t like them, this recipe will change your mind.

Read the chickpea falafel recipe

3. Wednesday

baked soy

Baked soy, a recipe from Organicakalee.

Soy is a very versatile food. Learn how to prepare this simple recipe.

Read the baked soy recipe

4. Thursday

Chicken chili with quinoa

Go ahead and prepare a delicious ají de gallina, replacing the bread with quinoa.

A classic of Creole cuisine with a special touch: replace the bread with quinoa. This way, you will have a healthier version.

Read the recipe for ají de gallina with quinoa

5. Friday

Sillao chicken

Sillao chicken recipe.

Discover the secrets of this preparation, which requires less than 10 ingredients, and enjoy a chicken with lots of juice. You can combine it with rice or puree.

Read the recipe for chicken al silao

6. Saturday

Homemade gnocchi

Gnocchi recipe by La Gastronauta.  (Photo: La Gastronauta).

A profitable recipe that will save you from trouble since it only has 4 ingredients and you can prepare in less than 1 hour.

Read the recipe for homemade gnocchi

7. Sunday

Broaster Chicken

Broaster chicken, from Yo Madre Recipes.

Although it is usually eaten on the street, you can also prepare it at home and with less than 10 ingredients. Accompany it with a salad and French fries.

Read the broaster chicken recipe

The chosen drink

Strawberry lemonade

Try a strawberry lemonade.

A tasty drink to complement with lunch.

Read the strawberry lemonade recipe

Dessert of the week

carrot cake

Carrot cake.

Complete your lunch with this tasty dessert that uses just a few ingredients.

Read the carrot cake recipe

Source: Elcomercio

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