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Before Valérie Pécresse, which candidates came close to “sinking” with a shock sentence?

Bad language, invented words and attacks on the physical… Presidential campaigns sometimes feel like an adult playground. Shock phrases or polemical remarks punctuate the weeks preceding the big election. A “subject – verb – complement” or just a word that can rout months of smoothly conducted political communication. Valérie Pécresse experienced this on Sunday during her meeting in Nantes, described as a “shipwreck” even within her party, both in form and in substance.

But candidate LR is not the first in the history of races at the Elysée to say the sentence too much. AT 20 minutes, we have concocted a small anthology of quotes straight out of the mouths of presidential candidates of 2007, 2012, 2017 and 2022. Words that have all hit (ranging from the flick to the big brush) to their campaign . Can you find who said what?

Source: 20minutes

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