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Why Edouard Philippe’s party seduced Estrosi and other elected officials from the Côte d’Azur

Christian Estrosi launched the movement in early December. After having slammed the door of LR seven months earlier, then displayed “unambiguous” support for Emmanuel Macron, the mayor of Nice announced his rallying to the party of Edouard Philippe Horizons, “the only organization which can” according to him “today legitimately claim” the heritage of the RPR and the UMP.

Since then, a good part of the Nice city council, but also the LREM deputy Loïc Dombreval and other elected LR Riviera officials, tired of the right-wing “drift” of Christian Jacob’s party, have also preferred this path. That of a campaign for the re-election of the outgoing president, but choosing the camp of his former Prime Minister rather than LREM, judged as “a political party made up of men and women who do not necessarily have the same ideological corpus” , according to Anthony Borré.

The first deputy and closest collaborator of Christian Estrosi explains that he too decided to line up behind the mayor of Le Havre, of whom he praises “his personality and his courage when he was at the head of the government”, and opted for “Horizons, where center-right ideas are clearly defended”.

“Loyalty for Emmanuel Macron” slung over the shoulder

“And this reasonable right indeed wins an important echo among us,” he confirms. With how many memberships in the Alpes-Maritimes? The Parisian leadership of the party, a component of the “common house” organized around LREM for the elections, indicates that it does not “communicate on the figures”. These supporters of the former head of government, who carry “loyalty for Emmanuel Macron” over the shoulder, should in any case be numerous, this Wednesday evening in Nice where a meeting in support of the outgoing will also bring together Edouard Philippe and several ministers in exercise.

And for them, the strategy is clear: “carry certain center-right ideas into the policy of the head of state”, and “structure the right wing of the presidential majority”, continues Anthony Borré. “That does not prevent us from being all united”, slices the referent of LREM in the Alpes-Maritimes, which claims 7,000 members. “We have always been about overcoming divisions. The creed is always the same: take good ideas wherever they are,” adds Hanaene Tehgmenti, “not at all shocked that these elected officials have chosen to join Horizons. »

A strategy for 2050 but especially with 2027 in sight?

“We have different sensitivities but a common project”, also assures Claire Peradotto, head of a Nice company propelled president of the local committee of support for Emmanuel Macron. “People in the field don’t ask us how sensitive we are, they ask us above all what the project is”, explains the one who also joined Horizons, specifying that it was “the first time to [sa] life that she [s’] inserted”.

Guarantor, very gently, of these ideas of the moderate right in the policy of Emmanuel Macron, would the party of Edouard Philippe also see further? The mayor of Le Havre himself counted on “a strategy for 2050”. And some already lend him ambitions for the next deadline of 2027. If Anthony Borré evades this question for the moment, that of a continuation of the recomposition on the right arises well for the first deputy of Christian Estrosi. “It’s not over. If I judge by all those who make contact with us, ”slips the chosen one.

On Monday, LR deputy from Yonne Guillaume Larrivé urged the right to “build a majority” around Macron in the event of Valérie Pécresse’s defeat. Renaud Muselier also believed that the candidacy of the president of the Ile-de-France region would “endorse the death of the Republicans”. What could Horizons benefit from? This is what some in the party of the former Prime Minister hope.

Source: 20minutes

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