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Emmanuel Macron wants “a return to calm” after his race for the Elysée

Emmanuel Macron wants “a return to calm” after his race for the Elysée

Emmanuel Macron wants “a return to calm” after his race for the Elysée

While everyone is wondering about the new government, the newly re-elected president would like to breathe a little. Asked by the press this Friday during a trip to Barbazan-Debat, in the Hautes-Pyrénées, to find out if he had decided on the name of his next Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron replied: “Everything in its time. »

“You have an exceptional Prime Minister, it is still the end of this five-year term, it has only been two days since the Constitutional Council announced the results, things must be done in good order. Listen, breathe: there is an appeasement to be had with everyone, we are coming out of this presidential campaign where there has sometimes been a little tension, it is important that we act and that there is a return to calm and concord, ”he added, before going to his grandmother’s grave in Montgaillard.

“It’s the first time since 65 that we have continuity”

We must “finish this mandate first” and “prepare the rest”, in a “kind of decantation phase”, summed up the Head of State. He stressed that this post-presidential was “very atypical”. “I say it with a lot of humility: my predecessors came out of cohabitation, so there was like a rupture, immediately, governmental”.

But after this presidential election, “it’s the first time since 65 that we have had continuity, so we have to accept with a lot of human delicacy to say we have a team that is finishing this term (…), we are continuing to prepare the rest , and then the investiture having been made, being able to reproject oneself”. “There will be a democratic time with the legislative elections, but (we must) immediately reproject ourselves through decisions, with new faces. There will be elements of continuity, elements of renewal,” he stressed.

Source: 20minutes

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