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Jean-Michel Blanquer, candidate in Loiret?

Jean-Michel Blanquer, candidate in Loiret?

Jean-Michel Blanquer, candidate in Loiret?

Jean-Michel Blanquer, in search of local anchorage, “is interested” in a constituency in Loiret with a view to the June legislative elections, his entourage said on Friday, corroborating information from France Inter.

It is the fourth district of the department which was proposed to the Minister of National Education, confirms his entourage. “He is interested in it and dialogues with the various stakeholders but for the moment, an investiture has not been recorded”, specifies the latter.

A track in the North for Eric Dupond-Moretti?

This constituency, where Montargis is located in particular, is currently occupied by Jean-Pierre Door (LR), elected since 2002 and who is not standing. Marine Le Pen came out on top in this territory in the first (32%) as well as in the second round (52%).

Jean-Michel Blanquer, who had given up presenting himself at the regional level in Ile-de-France, has been looking for an anchor for several months, after having prospected in particular in the Yvelines, the Hauts-de-Seine and the Val d’Oise.

According to France Inter, the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti also found an airstrip in the North, in the district of Hazebrouck won in 2017 by Jennifer de Temmerman (ex-LREM). Asked by AFP, his entourage only pointed out that no nomination had yet been given by the majority.

The lawyer was already on the list of the presidential majority in the regional elections in Hauts-de-France in 2021, which had only won 9% of the vote.

Other ministers to try their luck?

Several ministers never elected should try their luck in the elections on June 12 and 19. Among them, Elisabeth Borne (Labour), to whom the LREM deputy Alain Tourret offered to take over his constituency of Calvados.

Clément Beaune (European Affairs) will undoubtedly win the nomination in the 7th district of Paris, where the outgoing LREM Pacôme Rupin must hand over. Agnès Pannier-Runacher (Industry) has been scouring the streets of Lens for several months, the beginnings of her campaign in Pas-de-Calais. Sophie Cluzel (Handicap) will be a candidate in Annecy and Emmanuelle Wargon (Housing) in Val-de-Marne.

Others go without much mystery to compete for their re-election, such as Bruno Le Maire (Economy) in Eure, Olivier Véran (Health) in Isère, Marc Fesneau (Relations with Parliament) in Loir-et-Cher, or even Joël Giraud (Rurality) for a fifth term in the Hautes-Alpes.

According to the voice of the North, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, elected from the 10th constituency in the North, would not rule out running in the 9th, which also includes part of his stronghold of Tourcoing.

Finally, ministers will not show up (Marlène Schiappa, Julien Denormandie) or will stop politics, like Cédric O, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari or Adrien Taquet.

Source: 20minutes

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