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STRAIGHT.  Pensions: mobilization expected this weekend before vote of no confidence in Assembly

STRAIGHT. Pensions: mobilization expected this weekend before vote of no confidence in Assembly

STRAIGHT.  Pensions: mobilization expected this weekend before vote of no confidence in Assembly


  • The government suffered two no-confidence votes this Friday after 49.3 triggered a highly controversial pension reform.
  • Several thousand people gathered on Friday evening at the Place de la Concorde in Paris. A spontaneous demonstration marked by clashes.
  • Processions also took place in Strasbourg, Lille and Bordeaux.
  • The SNCF unions called for a continuation of the strike that began on 7 March.
  • Rallies are also expected this weekend.

In Lyon, the “destroyed” the town hall, 36 people were arrested

The town hall of the 4th arrondissement of Lyon (Rhone) was attacked on Friday evening during a rally organized against the pension reform project, which, according to the prefecture, caused other tensions in the city center and 36 arrests.


Meetings expected this weekend

Intersyndical called for “local local rallies” this weekend, as well as a 9th day of strikes and demonstrations on Thursday 23 March.


Mobilization continues in transport and energy

SNCF unions called for “maintenance of the renewed strike” that began March 7 and for “massive action” next Thursday. The FO-RATP, the leading trade union for Paris metro drivers, has called for a “black day for transport”.

Several union representatives in the transport and energy sectors have warned of possible “excesses” or “individual actions” by rank-and-file employees.


Two votes of no confidence passed

Two no-confidence votes were introduced on Friday in an attempt to topple the government, a day after its decision to use 49.3 to push for controversial pension reform.

In this crisis atmosphere, Lyot’s group filed a “cross-party” motion of no confidence, signed by elected officials from Nupes. The National Assembly filed its own vote of no confidence. “And we will vote for all submitted votes of no confidence,” said MP R.N. Laure Lavalette.

A vote of no confidence must be considered in the National Assembly on Monday from 16:00, subject to approval just before the session.


Good morning

And welcome to this new live stream of the pension reform debate and the ongoing protests against the government bill.

Source: Le Parisien

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