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STRAIGHT. Marianne Foundation: Follow Marlene Schiappa’s hearing before the Senate Commission of Inquiry


  • Marlene Schiappa has been listening since 10 am by the Senate Investigation Committee.
  • The current Secretary of State for Social Policy and the Solidarity Economy should clarify her role in the controversial management of the Marianne Foundation, which she launched in April 2021 to fight “separatism.”
  • This hearing will take place the day after the searches of journalist Mohamed Sifaoui and Prefect Christian Gravel.

The stakes of his hearing.

Senators have been listening to the current Secretary of State for Social Policy and Solidarity Economics since 10 am, the day after the search of several key players in the case and at a time when rumors of a government reshuffle are intensifying.

It was Marlene Schiappa, then Minister Delegate for Citizenship at the Ministry of the Interior, who created this fund on April 20, 2021, originally set aside for 2.5 million euros, six months after the assassination of Samuel Paty. It was aimed at funding associations that defend the “values ​​of the Republic” by spreading “contradictions” to radical Islam on social networks.


Good morning !

And welcome to this live broadcast of Marlene Schiappa’s hearing before the Senate Board of Inquiry.

Source: Le Parisien

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