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2024 Olympics: British delegation expected in July 2023 in Reims

At the entrance to the sports complex, René Tees, there is nothing to indicate that a big move is taking place. The “Terre de Jeux 2024” logo on the large glass facade lets you imagine the rest. The city of Reims has indeed been named “Terre de Jeux 2024” and some of its facilities will become preparation centers for the Paris Olympics. The René Tees complex has just caught the attention of the British delegation. Thus, trampolines, floor mats, hoops and other tapestries will gradually disappear from the main room. Enough to make room for new equipment in two halls of honor. Goal: To be up to par to host the UK Gymnastics team in a few weeks.

“In accordance with the specifications, additional fittings were required. All equipment must be identical to that used at the 2024 Olympics,” explains Rafael Blanchard, deputy mayor of Reims in charge of sports. This Rémoise structure will also host a British table tennis and boxing delegation. Several preparatory periods are planned for the 2023-2024 season. “Therefore, interaction will be established between delegations and clubs that usually use this place. There are no plans to privatize the site,” the elected official said.

Olympic Day 24 June.

Stage One: From 31 July to 6 August 2023, when the UK Gymnastics Team scheduled their first training session in France for an international competition. In total, during the year, 50 athletes will be greeted in the city of coronations, accompanied by a staff of one hundred people. Two-time trampoline gold medalist Briony Page is due to train there for her third Olympic participation.

Tourist and economic mannik of the region. “This will also be a red thread throughout the year for Remois and Marne. All events on our territory, cultural or sporting, will be associated with this reception of the British nation. It will start on Saturday 24 June, the day after Olympism Day, the city of Reims organizes “Olympic Day” on the Port Mars Esplanade, in the heart of the city, with sporting events, demonstrations and hands-on stands.

Newly built on a former vacant lot, the UCPA Sport Statio water park complex will also host Team GB swimmers from June 17 to 21. The Paris Olympic Games will open on July 26, 2024. Until then, Reims can still be prominent hosting team sports preparatory matches, nothing has been decided yet. Further announcements may be made next September.

Source: Le Parisien

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