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Revolts of the Earth: is the dissolution on the agenda of the Council of Ministers this time?

It was March 28th. Gerald Darmanin pounding his fist on the table during a session of questions to the government in the Assembly: “The rebellions of the Earth have once again shown Sainte-Solin the threat they pose. As a responsibility, I am launching the procedure for the dissolution of this de facto group, ”he announced to the deputies.

But almost three months later, the resolution has not yet been submitted to the Council of Ministers. And that the collective continues to be talked about, since it is one of the organizations behind the banned demonstration against the Lyon-Turin line project, which gathered several thousand people last Saturday.

Who do we send letters to? We don’t always know well

The delay that caused a change in the mood of the Head of State in the Council of Ministers last week. After the episode with the experimental greenhouses ravaged by radical environmentalists near Nantes, Emmanuel Macron pressured Elisabeth Born to put this decree on the agenda – it is the general secretariat of the government, dependent on Matignon, that formally organizes the Council of Ministers.

This is to be done in the Council of Ministers this Wednesday, June 21 – Matignon, however, refuses to confirm this. The government is putting forward legal considerations to explain the slowness of the process. It is explained that since the Earth Rebellions are a “de facto group” and not a showcase association, the steps will be longer. The work of questions and answers would be more tedious (the so-called adversarial procedure).

Who do we send letters to? We don’t always know very well what an actor is in the file. Therefore, we want to file a legal case, because these activists will definitely attack the decree in front of the administrative court. The second adversarial procedure was started and ended last week.

However, some see political reasons as well. The unwillingness of the prime minister, the former leftist transitional minister of ecology, to disband such a collective? Differences in approaches between Elizabeth Born and Gerald Darmanin against the backdrop of political rivalry? An event spoke in the corridors of ministries: on December 12, 2021, the Minister of the Interior announced the dissolution of the neo-Nazi group “Paris Zouaves”. The dissolution was announced by the fissa less than a month later in the Council of Ministers. However, it was … “de facto grouping.”

Source: Le Parisien

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