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Heat wave: Manon Aubrey proposes naming ‘fossil companies’ for heat waves

Temperatures are expected to hit 40°C in parts of southeast France on Tuesday. Blame it on the heat dome, an increasingly common extreme weather event. “This is not a heat wave that we are currently experiencing, this is a direct result of political action and lack of regulation in the fossil industry,” LFI MEP Manon Aubrey said Monday morning on Europe 1 TV channel.

To challenge public opinion and the government, which she does not consider “up to the mark” in the fight against global warming, the president of the left faction in parliament proposed to give “every heat wave the name of its leaders, start fossil fuels.” companies” like what is done for natural disasters. “You could name the first heatwave General ” she illustrated.

Order of the Legion of Honor to the CEO of Total, “insult”

According to the MEP, TotalEnergies is one of the “fossil companies that account for two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions.” The awarding of the Légion d’Honneur on July 14 to its CEO Patrick Pouyanne is an “insult,” Manon Aubrey criticized. “When we are suffocating in Europe, the only thing the government finds is to reward one of its first officials,” she added.

Manon Aubrey is not the only one who sharply criticizes this action. Among the personalities of the left and ecologists, the deputy ecologist Sandrine Rousseau for example, regretted on Twitter about this award, given to a person who “destroys the population and nature”, and did not deserve “these honors”. “Is this a joke? the activist also wondered Camille Etienne.

Regarding remarks by Agriculture Minister Marc Féno, who told France Inter on Saturday that “temperatures are quite normal for summer”, Manon Aubry calculated that he “denies science as records fall around the world.” “. Speaking to Franceinfo on Monday morning, Marc Féno deplored the “controversy” that “doesn’t make sense”.

Source: Le Parisien

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