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Macron to host government members and their spouses for dinner on Tuesday

“Dinner with the couple is well planned for Tuesday evening,” two government and majority sources said, confirming RTL’s information. Emmanuel Macron will receive all members of the government and their spouses during a dinner on Tuesday at the Elysee Palace, as we learned on Monday from relevant sources.

This is a traditional meeting before the summer holidays, but, like every item on the presidential agenda in recent days, it is open to any interpretation amid persistent rumors of personnel changes.

“Signal to hold”?

For some, the head of state cannot invite members of the government to a solemn meeting in order to carry out personnel changes on the go. For others, however, this does not close the door for a technical reorganization around a few ministers by the end of the week and the departure of the New Caledonian president.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, whose fate has also given rise to all speculation, on the other hand, seems destined to stay: a new chief of staff, Jean-Denis Combréxel, specialist in the Labor Code, has been appointed in Matingnon, who acted until now as Eric Dupont’s chief of staff -Moretti. He will replace Aurelien Rousseau, who was due to retire on 1 July.

“The Prime Minister announced this appointment in her office on Monday morning,” an executive branch adviser at Le Parisien said. “Combrexelle took up his post this morning,” adds another. Is this appointment an indication of the retention of the post of prime minister in Matignon? “The appointment of a person like Combrexel just before a possible reshuffle might seem like a signal for preservation, although with Macron anything is possible,” comments the walker. His replacement in the Chancellery has not yet been named.

Source: Le Parisien

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