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‘Shame’, ‘shock’… LFI sparks controversy after Hamas attack on Israel

La France Insoumise (LFI) was accused on Saturday of justifying the Hamas attack on Israel, which has resulted in numerous civilian casualties, by condemning the Islamist movement and Israeli colonization with one voice, contrary to the position of the rest of the political class. .

“The armed offensive by Palestinian forces led by Hamas occurs in the context of intensifying Israeli occupation policies in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem,” the parliamentary group of the radical left Hamas party said in a statement.

Party leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon explained that “all the violence unleashed against Israel and in the Gaza Strip proves only one thing: violence only produces and reproduces itself.” “Our horrified thoughts and compassion go out to all the distraught people who are victims of all this. A truce must be introduced,” he added on Platform X.

This position was further supported by LFI MP Louis Boyard: “For too long France has turned a blind eye to colonization and abuses in Palestine. For too long, France has held back violence from the Israeli state and Palestinian armed groups.”

LFI frills left

These statements by the LFI, at a time when the political class was almost unanimous in condemning the Hamas attacks, angered the elected socialists allies of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party in the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes). “Jews are always responsible for what happens to them. This is a constant in anti-Semitic discourse,” PS Senator Laurence Rossignol responded to Louis Boyard.

“To the useful idiots of the Hamas terrorists who justify them by putting them into perspective in the name of the political deadlock of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the continuation of colonization, Netanyahu… You disgust me. That we find them leftist is intolerable,” said Socialist MP Jerome Guedge.

The Chairman of the Court of Auditors and former Socialist minister Pierre Moscovici broke out of his reticence and assessed the LFI’s position as “as shocking as it is desperate.” The mayor of Reims, Arnaud Robinet, a member of Edouard Philippe Horizon’s party, for his part demanded that parliamentary immunity be “lifted” from the rebel deputies who “crossed the red line,” inviting Lycra et Crique to file a complaint. »

“Shame on LFI, which brings together an under attack democracy and a murderous terrorist regime. This equation is in fact a legitimization of Hamas terrorism,” condemned Krif President Yonatan Arfi, without responding directly to Mr. Robina.

Raffin stands out

Among the rebels, MP Francois Ruffin, one of the potential candidates in the 2027 presidential elections, distinguished himself from his party comrades by expressing “complete condemnation of the Hamas attack.” Still on the left, socialists and environmentalists, as well as on the right and the far right, clearly condemned the Hamas attacks.

Communist leader Fabien Roussel said Hamas’ attacks were “unacceptable and unjustifiable.” But he calls for “getting rid of selective outrage” and believes the Israeli government “has contributed greatly to this spiral.”

“The Hamas terrorist group’s attacks on Israeli territory are an unacceptable act of war, which every day pushes any hope for peace further and further. In these difficult hours, we are closer than ever to Israeli democracy,” Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally deputies, wrote on X.

The executive branch, for its part, condemned the Hamas attacks “with the greatest firmness,” while the Foreign Office, Emmanuel Macron and then-Prime Minister Elisabeth Bourne took a similar stance. Emmanuel Macron also spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his counterpart Isaac Herzog.

Source: Le Parisien

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