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Meeting in Saint-Denis: “It will be without me,” replied socialist Olivier Faure to Emmanuel Macron

For the Socialist Party (PS) – no. Invited by Emmanuel Macron to a new “meeting in Saint-Denis” with the heads of political parties on November 17, PS First Secretary Olivier Faure declined the invitation this Monday. “No,” because “I don’t want to suppress parliament, I believe in democracy,” he said in the Public Senate.

According to him, the president “assumes” with these meetings “that a kind of new circle will emerge,” “with a few happy, few privileged people who will have the opportunity to talk with the head of state, the leaders of the party.” who will communicate with each other,” but in previous meetings “there was never consensus on any issue,” he said.

Olivier Faure believes that the leaders of political parties are being asked to “come and confirm the deal that he wants to make with the right and the far right,” Emmanuel Macron said he is ready to change the Constitution to allow referendums after elections. life and immigration. “I will never be part of this deal. I’m not here to hold a candle (…) It will happen without me,” he insisted.

The leftist party La France insoumise (LFI) was reserved about participating in the new meeting of party leaders and the President of the Republic. An official response from environmentalists will be given on Tuesday, but those around party leader Marine Tondelier emphasize that her presence will make it possible to discuss issues of environmental and social justice, as well as achieve a ceasefire. Gaza, since international issues will be discussed. The Communist Party authorities should raise this issue during the day this Monday.

Expand the scope of the referendum

This November 17 meeting, the third, follows meetings already organized on August 30 and October 12, the latter entirely dedicated to the conflict between Hamas and Israel. Its aim is to expand the scope of the referendum to “social issues” around bills “relating to so-called issues.” public such as the sometimes mentioned end of life, but also broader reforms, as in the case of migration issues that concern sovereign, economic, social or even diplomatic issues,” wrote the President of the Republic in a message written on Friday and received on Sunday. evening of leaders of parties represented in the Assembly.

“Our responsibility is to overcome our differences in the interests of the country,” Emmanuel Macron insisted. He also proposes lowering the threshold to one million voters, from almost five million currently, to allow a referendum on a common initiative (RIP). In the same spirit, he proposes to reduce the required number of parliamentarians (93 versus 185), as well as to “give citizens the opportunity to take the initiative” of this RIP, “while today only parliamentarians can initiate the procedure. Introduced as part of the constitutional reform in 2008, neither one RIP has so far failed because the criteria are very complex.

Source: Le Parisien

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