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“It would be good if he were there”: CRIF calls on Emmanuel Macron to take part in a march against anti-Semitism

Give it a “historical dimension”. The President of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif), Yonatan Harfi, calls on Emmanuel Macron to take part in the march against anti-Semitism organized in Paris on Sunday 12 November. “It would be good if Emmanuel Macron were there, it would give this event a historical dimension,” he said on LCI on Thursday morning. At the moment, the Elysee Palace has not announced the presence or absence of the head of state.

“We need this march because the Jews in France need to hear the cry of the heart, the solidarity, the spirit of brotherhood of the French towards them in the face of anti-Semitism,” insists Yonatan Arfi.

This “great civic march”, initiated by the President of the National Assembly, Yael Braun-Pivet, and the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, will take place from Place des Invalides (7th arrondissement) on Sunday at 15:00 to say “yes to the Republic”. and no to anti-Semitism. » Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s refusal to participate, reluctance to march with the RN… the political class already seems divided.

The CRIF president also does not want the PH party to demonstrate on Sunday, citing “a party founded by former collaborators.” “Yes, there is a problem with their presence on Sunday. It should not be that tomorrow, because they participated in this march, they deserve a certificate of respectability,” he argues.

“More firmness” judicial

Yonatan Harfi calls for greater “firmness” as anti-Semitic acts have increased since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7. “The Republic is not ruthless enough when we are faced with a phenomenon that goes beyond boundaries,” laments President Krifa, who calls for “justice that speaks louder.”

“We attack Jews in France because we think we are taking part in the conflict between Israel and Hamas by identifying with the Palestinian cause. This must be condemned. The fuel of anti-Semitism today is hatred of Israel. »

In France, on November 5, 857 anti-Semitic acts were recorded since the beginning of the war, “the same number in three weeks” as “in the whole of last year.” Paris police chief Laurent Nunez, for his part, reported on Sunday 257 anti-Semitic acts over the past month in the Paris metropolitan area.

Source: Le Parisien

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