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Radio journalist’s suspension over tense conversation with Bardella sparks outrage

Radio journalist’s suspension over tense conversation with Bardella sparks outrage

Radio journalist’s suspension over tense conversation with Bardella sparks outrage

The matter took on proportions that RCI Radio probably never expected. A journalist representing a private Guadeloupe radio station was taken off air after a particularly tense interview with RN president Jordan Bardella. His resignation on Sunday drew sharp disapproval from the left.

In the news broadcast on Friday at 13:00, the presenter of the main radio station of the Antilles, Barbara Olivier-Zandronis, had a lively conversation with the MEP, given, in particular, that he did not make “any proposal” to the European Parliament and did not reproach him for what he said that Europe cannot “become a five-star hotel for Africa.”

As a result, the RN manager asked the interviewer: “Which political party do you have a card with, madam?” “, adding: “You attacked me for about nine minutes asking questions and answers.”

Radio director defends himself

Following the interview, RCI management withdrew the 1pm news presentation it ran every week from Friday to Sunday from the journalist, who had been on a fixed-term contract since September. The decision sparked further controversy, with several left-leaning elected officials condemning the attack on press freedom.

“This is not the first newsroom in the world where someone is taken off the air when there is a glitch,” Hervé de Haro, deputy director of RCI Guadeloupe, explained on Sunday.

“I believe that she was not giving interviews, she was conducting a political debate. We are not an opinion radio station and if it were another party it would be the same,” the manager added.

Left-wing elected officials protest

Five parliamentarians from Guadeloupe, deputies Elie Califer, Max Mathiazen, Olivier Servat and senators Victorin Lurel and Solange Nadile, expressed their “outrage” in an open letter, believing that “the true essence of press freedom is embodied when politicians are confronted with fundamental and frank questions” .

So far she is “silent” on this matter. “This outrage over variable geometry is an admission of sickening aberration,” he said.

An online petition was launched demanding “Barbara Olivier-Zandronis reinstated on RCI Guadeloupe”, which surpassed 2,800 signatures on Sunday.

The radio press release clarifies that the journalist “remains an integral part of the editorial team” and states that she considers “any interference in (her) business unacceptable.”

“This decision is the sole responsibility of the management of RCI Guadeloupe, Jordan Bardella and the National Rally are in no way responsible for the managerial or editorial choices of the private radio station,” wrote Victor, director of the RN press service on X. Scraper.

Source: Le Parisien

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