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We read for you the book of “committed citizen” Cyril Hanouna

Do not see him as a potential candidate: getting involved in politics has “never, never crossed his mind,” he swears. In a book to be published this Wednesday, October 6, Cyril Hanouna unveils other ambitions for 2022. With TPMP and Balance ton post, followed each time by hundreds of thousands of “fanzouzes”, the host wants to engage the presidential candidates with his “darlings”.

It must be said that taking the pulse of the French – especially young people – has become Cyril Hanouna’s credo. In this book, aptly titled What the French told me, that he signs with the editorialist Christophe Barbier, the host claims the “new role” that he wants “to play in this France in tension, that of mediator between the” yellow vests “and the government”. As proof of this, he relies on the list of social issues addressed during his broadcasts in recent years, from “police violence” to the Covid-19 epidemic, including the “outbreak of conspiracy” and the “disarray of the youth “.

20 Minutes scrutinized the confidences of Cyril Hanouna, “committed citizen behind the man of entertainment”.

  • Make the presidential election “the meeting place for truths”

“You asked me to mediate between you and the politicians. From the first pages, the tone is set. The author positions himself as the one who will respond to a request, that of his viewers, that elected officials neglect and do not hear. Further, he explains that the presidential campaign must be “the meeting place of truths”, during which he will relay the questions of the voters, and not those of the experts and editorial writers. “I will do it live, without a filter on the set,” promises the boss of the H2O production company.

  • He saw the “yellow vests” before everyone else

Cyril Hanouna devotes an entire chapter of his book to “yellow vests”. From the first lines, he confides that several political figures have told him: “Cyril, you saw the movement of” yellow vests “rise before us, you saw it before everyone else. “He qualifies this observation and believes that in reality he did not see a” movement “but” of the French “.

  • Close to Macron (but not too much)

Over the lines, Cyril Hanouna prides himself on relationships forged with political figures. And to quote SMS exchanges with Emmanuel Macron, to whom he asks his opinion on some of his programs. “And he answers me”, gargles the host. “The president watches television a lot, he keeps abreast of what is happening there,” he assures us.

But he “does not ride for anyone” and is by no means “a macronist submarine”. “It is not because a parade of ministers has brightened up my sets that I can be likened to a pharmacy linked to power, as I hear it here and there, especially on the airwaves of the public service. All oppositions have their place in my programs. “

  • Talk about everything with everyone … even with the conspirators

« TPMP is open to everyone, except idiots, ”says Cyril Hanouna – this is also the title of one of the chapters. About the conspirators, he writes that he does not want “to reject these French people who think otherwise, without exploiting them like stage animals”. Giving voice to personalities who are very popular on social networks, “is to consider all the others”.

“So yes, I was the first to give them the floor, to consider that he had the right to express their point of view”, justifies the one who has been accused of legitimizing the words of Fabrice di Vizio or Jean -Marie Bigard, for example. “In fact, I realized that the conspirators, when you let them speak, go around quickly, lacking in argument. They’re punchline throwers, no more. They have one or two shock formulas and behind, it’s hollow. “

Faced with those who accuse him of relaying “fake news” at a prime time, the answer is quite found: “If my broadcasts on the pandemic and conspiracy have only served [éviter un passage à l’acte des complotistes], like a valve on the pressure cooker of national bubbling, I am proud of it. “

  • Campaigning against abstention

“I will campaign for the campaign,” he explains, announcing that he will meet the French in the coming months to lead the fight “against an enemy: abstention”. His book would thus be the “first stone” of the bridge he wants to build “between the young people, the working classes and the voting booth”. For 2022, he will have only one compass: his nearly six million subscribers on Twitter, which are worth, according to him, “all the polls in the world”.


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