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Man of Enlightenment

There are men who command respect. Men who embody universal values ​​and the noblest struggle are men of conviction. Robert Badinter belonged to this type. For all this he had words and a pen, but also a voice. Strong. Who could freeze you or grab you, but never left you indifferent. A voice and a look, glowing eyes behind thick, slightly bushy eyebrows that will tirelessly fight and win the most beautiful battles that make the world a better place. He was the purest embodiment of the Republic, which led to the abolition of the death penalty and the brutal fight against anti-Semitism.

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Badinter had in common with Condorcet, whose biography he wrote with his beloved wife Elisabeth, that he was a man of the Enlightenment. Like the scientist and philosopher, he was its spirit, humanity and progress, advocated for justice to be more humane, for the school to be decidedly secular and accessible to all, and, naturally, for equality among citizens.

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Source: Le Parisien

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