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Maternity Leave: Government Wants to Allow Elected Officials to ‘Take Leave Without Losing Compensation’

Maternity Leave: Government Wants to Allow Elected Officials to ‘Take Leave Without Losing Compensation’

Maternity Leave: Government Wants to Allow Elected Officials to ‘Take Leave Without Losing Compensation’

Want to increase the attractiveness of local elected officials? In a letter to the mayor of Poitiers, Minister Delegate responsible for local government Dominique Faure said she was in favor of a “legislative development” to “allow elected officials to go on leave without loss of compensation.”

Environment councilor Leonora Moncond’hui announced on February 12 her intention to take maternity leave from March 15 to May 15, deploring the loss of income associated with the absence. President of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), David Lisnard (LR), condemned the “scandalous” situation.

Upcoming legislative proposals

At this time, communities cannot supplement per diem payments from Social Security to elected officials who have ceased all professional activities to perform their duties, reminds Dominique Faure in a Feb. 23 letter. “There is therefore a need for legislative development, which will be carried out by the government as part of legislative proposals regarding the status of elected representatives, which will soon be presented to parliament,” the minister writes.

“By doing so, we will send a clear signal of our desire to allow elected officials to go on leave without loss of compensation,” she continues. This issue should be considered in future wider parliamentary debates around creating a more attractive status for local elected officials.

The bill was introduced in the Assembly by Renaissance MP Violetta Spielboat and Communist MP Sebastien Jumel. The senatorial text, also aimed at “creating the status of local elected officials,” is due to be debated in the upper house semicircle. The President of the Assembly’s legal committee, Sacha Houllier (Renaissance), elected from Vienna, pledged to introduce an amendment to “correct the inequalities” identified by the mayor of Poitiers.

Source: Le Parisien

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