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The US will extradite former paramilitary leader Salvatore Mancuso to Colombia on Tuesday

The US will extradite former paramilitary leader Salvatore Mancuso to Colombia on Tuesday

The US will extradite former paramilitary leader Salvatore Mancuso to Colombia on Tuesday

U.S will be extradited on Tuesday to Colombia to the former paramilitary leader Salvatore Mancusowho commanded the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a source familiar with the conversations between the two governments told EFE.

To date, no branch of the United States government offered public information about the extraditionnor did he respond to EFE’s questions about the time and circumstances in which it will be held.

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Mancuso He was sentenced in 2015 to 15 years and 10 months in prison for drug trafficking, a sentence he served in March 2020 because the American judge who sentenced him sentence validated it part of the sentence he had already served Colombiawhere he had been imprisoned since 2006, as well as the years he spent in prison in the United States awaiting trial.

Since 2020, Mancuso was in a migrant detention center in Stewart County (GeorgiaUSA) waiting for his immigration situation to be resolved and, tomorrow Tuesday, he will finally be extradited to Colombiathe aforementioned source told EFE.

Last week, the Colombian Government assured that it will guarantee Mancuso’s safety when he is deported to Colombia to face pending crimes in his country.

The Minister of Defense of the Latin American country, Ivan Velasquezrecognized that the life of Mancuso may be in danger due to “contributions“that he offered to be known”the truth”.

Mancuso participated in several hearings within the scope of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), in which he provided information on how the CUA They served as “hinge” between the military and the paramilitary apparatus in various “patterns of macrocrime”, such as displacements or extrajudicial executions.

To the CUAgroup responsible for most homicides during the armed conflict according to the Truth Commission, demobilized in 2006 after a negotiation process with the former president’s government. Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010).

As part of the agreement, the former paramilitary They complied with the Justice and Peace Law, which provided for maximum sentences of eight years in prison in exchange for collaboration in solving crimes.

However, a group of 14 former senior military leaders from the CUAIncluding Mancusoindeed ‘The monkey‘, were extradited to the United States on May 13, 2008 on US planes. US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEAEnglish) with authorization from Uribe.

The federal court of Washington D.Cwhere most of these cases were tried, remained silent for years and carried out part of the proceedings in secret due to the possibility that, in them, secrets of the “parapolitics”, a scandal that came to light in 2006 and revealed links between Colombian political leaders and paramilitaries.

In 2009, a year after extradition, Mancuso pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges the US accused him of and in 2015 he was sentenced to 15 years and 10 months in prison.

Source: Elcomercio

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