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Nicolas Sarkozy calls on Emmanuel Macron to recognize the Assyrian-Chaldean genocide

Nicolas Sarkozy calls on Emmanuel Macron to recognize the Assyrian-Chaldean genocide

Nicolas Sarkozy calls on Emmanuel Macron to recognize the Assyrian-Chaldean genocide

On the occasion of the Great Annual Dinner of the Assyro-Chaldeans of France, organized on Tuesday, February 27, in Paris, the former President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, made an important speech in support of this community, which has about 40,000 members present at the National Assembly. territory. Assyro-Chaldeans continue to demand official French recognition of the genocide of more than 250 thousand of their ancestors committed by the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1918. And this is what other European countries have already done.

“Today the Armenian genocide is recognized. Justice has been served for the dead. The genocide of your ancestors is still not recognized by our laws,” Nicolas Sarkozy said from the podium in front of more than 150 guests, including parliamentarians from all sides. “You demand official recognition of the misfortunes of your people. My presence among you is a sign of my full support for this recognition,” continued the ex-president, who already in 2011, then at the Elysee Palace, spoke out against “religious cleansing.” And again I insist this Tuesday evening: “The disappearance of half a population in a few months is not a massacre, as recorded in history, it is genocide, planned and organized. »

“The government must make a decision, and the president of the republic must do it”

Exactly one year ago, Senators Bruno Retaillo and Valerie Boyer, who were present in the hall, introduced a resolution proposed by France to recognize this genocide. The text was then largely voted on by the upper house. Today, Nicolas Sarkozy, who calls himself “a Christian by education, culture and heart,” calls on the French state to go further.

“Therefore, this resolution, which directly challenges the government, awaits a response,” the former president said firmly. “The Armenian Genocide was recognized in 2001, twenty-three years have passed, and this long wait has lasted too long. The time has come to finally recognize the equality in death and misfortune of the Armenian and Assyro-Chaldean peoples. The government must express its opinion, and the President of the Republic must do so,” said Nicolas Sarkozy, adding that the Assyro-Chaldeans could “count on his support if they tell him about it.”

“Necessary” recognition for all Eastern Christians who seek to reclaim their lands. “It is our duty to tirelessly defend the right of Christians to live at home,” concluded Nicolas Sarkozy, who received much applause, calling for an “awakening of conscience.” Before heading to the Elysee Palace, where a state dinner was held in honor of the Emir of Qatar.

Source: Le Parisien

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