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Social and “end of the month” … Marine Le Pen marks her difference with Zemmour

Social and “end of the month” … Marine Le Pen marks her difference with Zemmour

Social and “end of the month” … Marine Le Pen marks her difference with Zemmour

“We undoubtedly have differences on the economic and social plan” … Marine Le Pen attempted Sunday to mark her difference from her potential competitor in 2022 Eric Zemmour, on the set of BFMTV. The RN presidential candidate tried to highlight “her social sensitivity more important” than that of her potential competitor in 2022 and criticized the latter for neglecting “the end of the month of the French”.

Marine Le Pen also believes that the polemicist “aligns himself with rather liberal and rather classic conservative positions”.

Zemmour “brilliant” but without “added value” on the question of immigration

She notably cited the position of Eric Zemmour on pensions (“at 63, 64, or even, he said a few weeks ago, 67 years”), while she continues to defend retirement at 60 years. Marine Le Pen also criticized him for his “criticism of the weight of our social protection system”, but “without saying what he wants to plan”.

While judging Eric Zemmour “brilliant”, she says she does not see either “his added value” on the issue of immigration, “against which (she) wants to fight without weakness but without excess”.

On the social side, candidate RN recalled her proposal to lower VAT to 5.5% on gasoline, gas and electricity, “basic necessities”.

Wind up against unemployment insurance reform

Marine Le Pen has also criticized once again the reform of unemployment insurance that she “finds frightfully unfair.” “It is terrifying the philosophy” of this reform: “the government considers that the French are lazy, that ‘they are unemployed because they do not want to work, while they are unemployed because they cannot, ”she argued.

To achieve “only one billion in savings, we are putting in place a measure that will make people more precarious who already cannot find” a job, lamented the finalist of the 2017 presidential election, who assures that they have “only ‘only one adversary’ in this campaign, Emmanuel Macron.


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