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Venezuela receives more than two million doses of coronavirus vaccines from the Covax system

Venezuela receives more than two million doses of coronavirus vaccines from the Covax system

Venezuela receives more than two million doses of coronavirus vaccines from the Covax system

Venezuela received 2,594,000 doses of vaccines against covid-19 from the Covax system, which is administered by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday, Health Minister Carlos Alvarado reported this Sunday.

“A new shipment of vaccines is arriving to meet the goal that President Nicolás Maduro has demanded of 70% of the population (…) Receiving 2,594,000 doses of vaccines from the mechanism Covax”, said the minister from the Maiquetía International Airport “Simón Bolívar”, in the company of officials from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Unicef.

“We already have in the country more than 29 million doses of vaccines, which will meet the goal that the president has demanded for October 31”, Alvarado stated.

He added that, to speed up the vaccination process in the country, all citizens over 18 years of age can go to any immunization center without prior appointment to receive the drug doses and that there will be “house-to-house” sessions with priority for older adults. , pregnant women with more than 15 weeks of gestation and people with disabilities.

Venezuela is in the process of vaccination, which accelerated in the last month with the arrival of several batches of Sputnik, Sinovac -through the mechanism Covax-, and from china Sinopharm, with which Mature expects to reach 70% of people vaccinated this month.

According to the president said on Friday, the country has “achieved the goal of 50%” of the “general” population vaccinated against covid-19, without specifying whether it refers to people who have received a single dose or the two necessary for an individual is considered to be immunized.

However, according to WHO data, in Venezuela 6,190,629 citizens have been vaccinated with full doses, that is, 20.6%, while 9,926,613 have received only the first injection, which represents a 30% of Venezuelans.

Venezuela registers a total of 382,266 cases of covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, of which 95% have recovered.

The country also accumulates 4,406 deaths as a result of this disease.



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