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Debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella: “The masks have fallen,” says the Prime Minister

“The masks have fallen,” Gabriel Attal said on Friday, a day after a televised debate between him and Jordan Bardella, who believed he had faced “the first liar in France.”

“The masks have fallen: we have seen the National Rally candidate forced to admit that his so-called “national priority” proposal in the single market for public contracts will lead to tens of thousands of French companies being deprived of contracts in other European countries. – said the head of government during a trip to Valencia.

“Then we saw the proposal, I quote, double borders of which, after all, we still have not understood what they entail”: “the transformation of all French land borders into a toll point at Saint-Arnoux, on weekends there and back, while we have half a million French who cross the border every day or “Just do what we already do today? “, he asked.

“There are those who talk about RN, and those who talk about France”

During a meeting on Friday evening in Henin-Beaumont, Jordan Bardella, head of the RN list for Europeans, in contrast, believed that the day before he had expressed a contradiction “from the biggest liar in France.”

“There are those who talk about PH and those who talk about France, those who defend dogmas and those who defend people,” he added, arguing that in the same way “we have the right to live in France and criticize Without leaving the country, we can criticize Emmanuel Macron’s policies without wanting to leave the European Union.

“This election is critical and significant, and in the context that we are going through, with the difficulties that the world is going through, I believe that we need seriousness and credibility” that “stands behind our candidate” and “does not support this agenda.” RN, for his part, appreciated the Prime Minister.

According to an Odoxa-Backbone poll for Le Figaro published on Friday evening, Jordan Bardella was considered the most persuasive by 51% of those watching the debate, compared with Gabriel Attal’s 49%.

Source: Le Parisien

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