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Legislative elections 2024: in the 3rd constituency of Val-de-Marne, Dupont-Moretti in support of the Macronist candidate

This Saturday it was even more difficult than usual to walk through the crowded aisles of the Villeneuve-Saint-Georges market under the sun and planes. No wonder the presence of the Minister of Justice Eric Dupont-Moretti, who came to support the candidacy of the representative of the Renaissance party, Loïc Signor, who is seeking the mandate of deputy from the third constituency of Val-de-Marne.

He is opposed by outgoing MP Louis Boyard (LFI), who was detained elsewhere this morning and whom we have been unable to contact. “When I see marked Louis Boyard, Deputy of Val-de-Marne blindfolded while he’s doing something on television, I’m not sure that’s the best representation,” squeaks Loïc Signore, referring in particular to his intervention during the Villeneuve-Saint-Georges municipal council a few days earlier.

Dupont-Moretti on hand

Between the counters with underwear, shoes and household goods, the Minister of Justice poses, sometimes with a hairdryer, sometimes wearing glasses, declaring that after the “purges” “the Popular Front is dead.” Before moving on to the next booth, he remembers to insert a note indicating the candidate next to him. “Committed to this city,” the latter has many family connections there, although he has never lived there.

Having overshadowed the minister, he took the opportunity to briefly describe the reasons for his candidacy: “We will have problems if we give the keys to the LFI truck. Since higher taxes will reduce the purchasing power of merchants and businessmen, their program will be a disaster, as all economists say. Even though I understand that it may be attractive, especially when we are already in a dangerous situation, the only viable program is Gabriel’s program. [Attal]. »

However, there are no specific measures in the program for his constituency, since he believes that “we should not focus on a specific area,” but on purchasing power in general. “I vote, but I tell you honestly, I vote for the program,” the resident responded. Boyard advocates retirement at sixty. If we vote for you, we will be told that we have confirmed everything that the majority does. »

“We’ll see if this changes anything because we vote every time, but it goes unnoticed,” the trader adds. While some are happy with the attention they receive, others would happily do without it. “This is not the time, this is extortion, we are working, and they are standing in front of the stand,” says the jewelry seller. She will vote on the 30th, but “not for the left, and especially not for Macron.”

Source: Le Parisien

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