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“The situation has become untenable”: in Ivelin the only environmentalist mayor surrenders his party card

Like some Republicans who disagree with the LR-RN alliance desired by their former president, Eric Ciotti, he too is surrendering his party ticket. But the result of environmentalists in Yvelines (5.92%) in the European elections has nothing in common with the decision of Lionel Wastl.

Mayor Andresi (13,000 inhabitants) decided to resign from Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) long before the elections on Sunday, June 9, 2024. environmentalist and ideologist” after 15 years of work in this field, says that he was the victim of a “smear strategy supported by Nord Yvelines environmentalists.”

Andresi, June 9. DR

Mayor Andresi is openly pursuing his former deputy Anni Minarik, also an EELV member, who joined the opposition in her municipal council. “Her words and actions destabilized the municipal majority, justifying the one who joined the party in 2011. a member of the executive branch and an opponent who votes against all his deliberations. I had hoped that this would be resolved before the Europeans, but the party was dragging its feet and seemed to prefer a kind of coexistence… So I decided to resign because the situation had become unbearable. »

“A small loss for the environment. »

Last November, Annie Minarik returned to her role as Deputy Delegate for Local, Social and Solidarity Economy and Management Control due to the mayor’s “autocratic” management of her delegations. At the time, she noted the “ecology of the mayor’s variable geometry façade.”

“Mr Wastle is an opportunist who is abandoning his anti-subsidy beliefs,” an opposition adviser told us today. He is in denial and must seriously question himself. Since his election, 4 of his deputies and 3 municipal councilors have resigned, illustrating the serious problem of governance and governance. This is not a big loss for the environment. »

Last May, the mayor accused the opposition of trying to marauder in the middle of the municipal council. The opposition MP presented herself with a bronze figurine in the shape of a hand. “Or when the municipal opposition tries to intercept elected officials during budget votes by manipulating the ‘magic’ hand in every secret vote,” condemned Lionel Wastle on social media.

Besides the controversies in his municipality, it appears that his unresolved position on the “hot” issue of Pont d’Ascher contributed to a complete break with his former EELV partners. “At least this clarifies his position,” concludes Ghislaine Sene, EELV senator for Yvelines, who nevertheless insisted that Mayor Andresi be on her list during the last Senate elections in September.

The resignation of the only environmentalist mayor of Yvelines (population over 10,000) comes at an unfortunate time for a party that has a limited contingent of “green” elected officials in the Ile-de-France.

Source: Le Parisien

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