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Legislature: Cazeneuve, Le Drian, Guedge… these leftists who abandon the New Popular Front.

The lightning-fast campaign for the first round of legislative elections on June 30 officially began on Monday, and a series of alliances from the right and left continues.

Blocks are available in all 577 counties. On the left flank, the majority of forces gathered under the slogan of the Popular Front. But some figures refuse to join this meeting. Review.

Jérôme Guedge, outgoing Socialist MP

The outgoing Socialist MP for Esson’s 6th constituency explained last week that he would be a candidate for re-election, but not under the Popular Front label.

“Out of duty to be truthful and loyal to voters, I cannot join the inauguration of the LFI associated with this agreement due to deep differences with the leadership of this formation related to the brutality of public debate. “I endured it brutally and violently,” he said. Jerome Guedge, returning to the conflict between him and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. On BFMTV, he recalled that the rebel leader said “unworthy words” to him, in particular, assigning his identity to him.

The outgoing MP will face Generations candidate Hella Kribi-Romdane, his deputy since 2022, who has announced she is running “on behalf of the New Popular Front” with a replacement from France Insoumise (LFI). He was supported by the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure and environmentalist Sandrine Rousseau.

Another outgoing elected official spoke on the side of the deputies, Bertrand Petit, presents itself in Pas-de-Calais without the Popular Front label. “I do not join this popular front, I do not share extreme ideas, whatever they may be. I have always been clear about this,” he told The Independent.

Bernard Cazeneuve, former minister

Former Socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve also denounced this new Popular Front on his X (formerly Twitter) account. “The far right seriously threatens national unity and harmony. To counter this, we need clarity of values ​​and sincerity of belief. Uniting the left of the government is not possible with LFI. As long as it doesn’t give away everything about Blum’s legacy,” he wrote last week.

“You can make a decision alone without feeling isolated,” he explained in an interview with Le Point. But we must also sometimes agree to stand alone in defending a position we know to be correct, forged in genuine conviction and experience of public action. In politics we should fear not loneliness, but accommodations born of agreements. »

The former deputy, founder of the La Convention movement, supports the candidacy of the outgoing deputy Olivier Falorny, registered in the National Assembly in the MoDem group and independent candidates in the first constituency of Charente-Maritime.

Another historical figure of the left: Julien Dray, Sos Racisme co-founder and former socialist also denounced the leftist alliance. on his

Jean-Yves Le Drian, former socialist turned supporter of Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron’s former foreign minister, a former socialist figure, criticized the new Popular Front, renamed “Nupes Version 2”, in a column entitled “Friend Social Democrat, how can you? “, published in the Tribune.

In this text Jean-Yves Le Drian condemns a program that combines “demagoguery and inconsistency.” Among the signatories we also find other social democratic figures such as Francois Rebsamen, Mayor of Dijon and former Socialist minister.

“We know that real social democrats and reasonable ecologists cannot, based on their history, their struggle, their convictions, share the government program with the NPA and the LFI. We know that many of them saw their hope for the European elections confiscated by the maneuvers of the apparatus,” the text continues.

Source: Le Parisien

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