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Call of June 18: Emmanuel Macron on the island of Sein this Tuesday to commemorate the “French spirit of resistance”

President Emmanuel Macron will travel to the island of Sein (Finistère) on Tuesday to commemorate the 18 June Address sent in 1940 from London by General de Gaulle, “a call for resistance and renunciation of the spirit of defeat”, in the middle of a legislative campaign in which the far right is in a strong position, the Elysee Palace announced on Monday.

After the traditional lighting ceremony in Mont Valerien, the head of state will in the afternoon visit the island of Sein, one of the five satellite cities of the liberation along with Nantes, Grenoble, Paris and Vassiers-en-Vercors. According to the Elysee Palace, this is an opportunity to glorify “that , which characterizes the French spirit of resistance in the face of the French spirit of defeat.”

According to General de Gaulle, “above all else stands France and the deep desire to be free, which should allow us to overcome all fears and all defeats,” we justify Elysium.

The President already used the expression “no spirit of defeat” during his press conference on June 13, during which he tried to justify his decision to dissolve the Assembly, which plunged the country into uncertainty.

“So this is a quarter of France!” »

Emmanuel Macron will hold a ceremony in the late afternoon on the island of Sein in front of the war memorial erected in the center of the island, where residents annually mark the June 18, 1940 roll call.

General de Gaulle recognized that the fishermen of Senan played a special role because of their dedication to their work. Of the 1,400 inhabitants in 1940, 128 sailors from Seine joined the Free French forces. The youngest was 14 years old, the oldest was 54.

Such rapid and massive participation in the Resistance surprised the general, who, having gathered 450 Frenchmen who had joined him, uttered the famous phrase: “But the island of Sein is therefore a quarter of France! “Occupied throughout the war, the island was liberated on August 4, 1944. General de Gaulle came there twice: in 1946 to erect the island in the Order of Liberation and in 1960 to unveil a monument.

Source: Le Parisien

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