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Legislative branch: civil servants launched a program to compare public services

Justice, schools, health… Civil service team Our civil services launched on Tuesday a program comparator for the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7 to compare the projects of the main parties in terms of public services.

Find candidates in your district and find out the results of the first round of legislative elections on June 30 at 8:00 p.m. Paris, Lyon, Marseilles and throughout France.

Since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, “there is no debate at all on civil service issues or on substantive issues at all”, lamented Arnaud Bontemps, a member of the collective founded in 2021 to AFP, which is clearly in opposition to the National Rally (RN) and the outgoing government’s policies towards 5.7 million civil servants. “We don’t talk about specific questions at all: Will I have a teacher for my child? Will I be able to choose between a bachelor’s and a master’s degree? “, he laments.

In its program comparator, the Nos Services publique collective identifies about thirty “specific questions” related to basic public services, for example: “Will the police and gendarmerie be able to protect me better? “, “Will the public hospital have the funds to operate? “, “Will I get a faster court decision? “.

Programs, declarations, votes

The team then analyzes responses from the presidential camp, the New Popular Front (NPF), the RN, and the Republicans who did not join the RN. To do this, he relies not only on the programs of the parties, but also on the declarations of their leaders, their proposals in previous elections or on measures taken by the government in recent years.

So, to the question “Will the gendarmerie and the police be able to protect me better?” Answers range from “probably in the medium term” for the NFP to “no, all reinforcements are planned for the municipal police” (LR), “not really” (Together for the Republic) and “only in the short term”. term, on public roads” (RN).

Each response is accompanied by a summary of the respective party’s comments, votes and past programs, as well as an analysis of our public services. “Our main message is a form of warning: the answers to specific questions are completely unsatisfactory for most of the programs we study,” worries Arnaud Bontemps.

NFP: “real change”

However, the co-founder of the collective group believes that the Left Alliance Project (NLP) embodies “real change”, even a “break”, while the “national preference” pursued by the Far Right (RH) “risks” becoming an additional difficulty in filling vacancies”, while the civil service is having difficulty recruiting for certain professions.

For Our Public Services, “the political option of reducing the role of public services in favor of the private sector is quite clear: it is simply important that every citizen makes, with full knowledge of the facts, the choice of the social project that he wants. “He’s supportive. “.

According to the team, about “thirty experts” compared the programs. Among the latter, “researchers” and “members of administration” from ministries, administrations and even regional health agencies (ARS) stand out, adds Arnaud Bontemps.

Source: Le Parisien

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