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“The feeling of flying”: before the Olympics they tested (and approved) a new purple track at the Stade de France

It’s been eight months since something like this happened at the Stade de France. During the break from the Rugby World Cup final won by the Springboks, the Dionysian Corps welcomed athletes back on the morning of Tuesday 26 June. The athletes in question did not have the aura or physique of Siya Kolisi, the then South African captain, but these young, select residents of Ile-de-France still had the privilege of setting foot on a brand new track, used for the first time at the Olympic Games, five weeks before the competition athletics (August 2-10).

Its first feature is the most obvious: its color is violet (with a lilac border) over an area of ​​more than 14,000 square meters. “This is a replacement for red or blue,” smiled Rafaledi Guillaume, one of the invited sprinters. Just the sight of color brings me joy. “He ran under the same conditions as Olympic athletes, including starting blocks, timing, starting pistol and presentation of fake medals. “I felt like I was flying, I’ve never seen a track like this! “admits this young 17-year-old regional athlete.

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Source: Le Parisien

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