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Hidalgo does not want to argue with Zemmour, “a puppet”

The socialist presidential candidate, Anne Hidalgo, explained on Sunday that she did not wish to debate with Eric Zemmour, according to her a “puppet” “denial” and “racist”, while also wondering that he did not there are no “demonstrations” against the polemicist. “I call for this presidential election to be a real presidential election with a real debate, not a debate on this candidacy of a puppet”, was carried away Anne Hidalgo in the program “The Grand Jury” of LCI / RTL /Le Figaro.

“I do not argue with a negationist, I do not argue with a racist and I do not argue with that person who is trampling on and walking completely, trampling on what is the history of our country, this which is its greatness and what its values ​​are ”, argued the mayor of Paris. However, if Eric Zemmour became a presidential candidate and if a debate was organized between all the contenders, Anne Hidalgo would participate, she said.

A call to “wake up”

“But (not) a debate, there, in the months of installation of this campaign with this person,” she added. “A few years ago, remarks like those of Zemmour would have been pronounced on an antenna, there would have been demonstrations”, she still considered, considering that “Mr. Zemmour strikes untruths, messages hate, racist messages, anti-Semitic messages ”.

“Nobody goes to the street to demonstrate (whereas he) explains to you that General de Gaulle and Pétain are the same thing … And there is not a demonstration in the streets of our cities, you think that , is it a country that is doing well? She asked, calling for “wake up” before it is “too late”.

An almost candidate condemned twice

According to the latest polls, President Emmanuel Macron, who did not say whether he was a candidate for a second term, would lead the first round of the 2022 presidential election, followed by Marine Le Pen (RN) and Eric Zemmour, possible candidate but not yet declared.

Eric Zemmour, prosecuted several times for controversial statements, has been released several times but also twice convicted of incitement to racial discrimination in 2011 and of incitement to hatred towards Muslims in 2018.


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