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Daniel Peredo: the day that suggested the renewal of Ricardo Gareca until Qatar 2022

Daniel Perez earned a special place in the peruvian national team. He was one of the few journalists who always believed that things were going to improve in the Blanquirroja and that we would go to a World Cup again. Four years after his death, we remember the day when he suggested the continuity of Ricardo Gareca until Qatar 2022.

Throughout the process to Russia 2018, Daniel Peredo was the narrator who accompanied the Peruvian team in all their matches. He was even in charge of shouting the two goals against New Zealand for the Movistar signal, the official channel that broadcast the matches of those Qualifiers.

Daniel PerezDespite being a huge fan of the Peruvian national team and having a lot of affinity with some players, he never abandoned his role as a journalist. Moreover, her criticism made some like Paolo Guerrero stay away from the press man.

“I prefer 10 that score, I prefer 10 that are committed. Let those who want to play play, we are the stars without compromise. I have always defended Paolo Guerrero, but this Paolo Guerrero is of no use to us. It is better that he stays in Brazil”said Paolo Guerrero in full broadcast in a friendly where Peru won 2-1 against Paraguay in November 2014, but in which Paolo did not perform well.

Daniel Peredo had harsh criticism when he began the process of Ricardo Gareca. However, everything turned around when the coach made a radical change in his call after the Copa América Centenario for 2016.

“His statements were always aimed at convincing the selected ones. He did not speak for the press or the fans. The team had to be committed; the rest, if the results come through, we’re going to climb into the car. Gareca regained the confidence of the footballer with coherence, management, driving and leadership. Never an extra word. Never another stripe from the ‘Tiger’”wrote Daniel Perez in a column for El Comercio days after the elimination of Peru in the Copa América Centenario.

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In October 2016, the peruvian national team faced the 2018 Russia Qualifiers with a new squad. The fans began to give their support to the new faces. Peru lost to Bolivia in La Paz (a match that they would later win on the table), defeated Ecuador and drew against Argentina in Lima, and lost to Chile.

Beyond the results, another attitude was seen in the peruvian national team. The fans stopped criticizing the players. They felt represented with the Flores, Cueva, Gallese and with Captain Paolo Guerrero. Daniel Peredo on his social networks suggested that it did not seem like a bad idea to think of a coach for two qualifiers.

Photo 4: Daniel Peredo lost his life on Monday, February 19, 2018 at the San Felipe Clinic.  (Photo: Facebook)

The journalist liked the idea; However, he knew that it was too hasty to put the issue of Gareca’s continuity up for debate. “Since he made a cut in his calls, we have played four qualifying games and eight are missing: double. There is an appreciation for the responsibility and commitment of this squad, but we have to grow in football. We evolved as a group, but as a team we need to play better to be able to win”.

Until then, to Daniel Perez He didn’t entirely like the tactics of Ricardo Gareca. He said that he still had several dates for the 2018 Russia Qualifiers to consolidate a squad that had everyone’s support.

Friends of Daniel Peredo paid tribute at the 'pichanga' this Monday |  Photo: CMD

“If the trend is upward, if the evolution in the commitment is constant, and also in the game, in the long run the most important thing, the National Team will be more competitive, it will be a better team and it will achieve other results. And the time will come to define if Gareca should stay for four more years”Peredo concluded.

Time gave him the reason Ricardo Gareca. His work spoke for itself. And that were the successes that Daniel Peredo mentioned so much. He said that the ‘Tiger’ had the art of convincing and managed to do it in a country accustomed to defeats.


Source: Elcomercio

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