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IPD clarified the situation of Julio Rivera, after his appointment as president of the entity

Lima, February 21, 2022Updated on 02/21/2022 07:42 pm

A few weeks ago, Julio ‘Coyote’ Rivera was appointed as the new president of the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD) and the news generated surprise. After his appointment, the Comptroller General of the Republic decided to investigate the situation and determined that the former soccer player provided inaccurate information about his experience to reach the position.

Due to these circumstances, the IPD decided to rule on the issue, clarifying several points about the published investigation. According to a statement sent by the sports entity, Julio Rivera complied with the corresponding evaluation to assume the position of highest authority.

1.- The Peruvian Sports Institute encourages the investigations of the Comptroller General of the Republic, as a supervisory entity, to safeguard the interests of the State and that each public official complies with the requirements of the law.

2.- In this sense, given the statement by the Comptroller General of the Republic, that Mr. Julio Rivera Gonzales had presented inaccurate information, regarding his experience in the area of ​​management and/or sports activities, it is necessary to point out the following. The current president of the Peruvian Sports Institute has been evaluated in accordance with the provisions of Law 29544, on the requirements to access the position of IPD president. In this sense, Julio Rivera Gonzales, meets all the requirements indicated in article 12 to access the position of president of the IPD. This will be clarified in the corresponding instances in the shortest possible time.

3.- In less than a month at the head of the Peruvian Sports Institute, Julio Rivera Gonzales has implemented three basic work guidelines: Decentralization, inclusion and transparency. Likewise, he has generated meetings in Lima and provinces to raise the quality of athletes and optimization in the Sports Federations that in record time have received 30 million soles as budget items of 70 percent corresponding to this year.

4.- Likewise, within the framework of a good budget execution, economic subsidies have also been delivered on time to the athletes of the Athlete Support Program (PAD) at levels I and II and Marathoner Programs.

5.- It should be noted that Julio César Rivera Gonzales has been a high-level athlete for 20 years as a national team player and within his activities he has been a sports manager.

6.- The Peruvian Sports Institute, in this management, works in favor of the athlete, the main reason for its existence, and looks optimistically at the Olympic cycle towards the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Source: Elcomercio

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