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Venezuelan opposition expresses its solidarity with Ukraine for Russia’s “aggression”

The opposition of Venezuela led by Juan Guaidó expressed his solidarity on Monday with the Government and citizens of Ukraine after the president of Russia, Vladimir Putinrecognize the independence of the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, in eastern Ukraine, and decree the deployment of the military to those territories.

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“We reject and ignore these supposed ‘republics’ controlled by Russia and we demand respect for the right of each people to choose their own destiny autonomously,” the anti-Chavista bloc said in a press release.

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Likewise, he said that this is a fact that must be “unconditionally repudiated” by all those who consider themselves democrats, “confronting global authoritarianism in all its forms.”

“Despite the great efforts undertaken by the great democratic nations of the world to avoid an unfortunate scenario of confrontation in the midst of the difficult times that are passing for our world, the Russian Government has opted for the path of coercion and violence to attacking a sovereign nation,” he added.

The opposition indicated that it is the responsibility of the governments that make up “the free world” to respond and confront this and “all threats to sovereignty and freedom” with “determination.”

Earlier, Putin recognized on Monday the independence of the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, and decreed the deployment of soldiers to those territories, which has triggered international rejection and the announcement of sanctions.

“I consider it necessary to make a decision that has been falling under its own weight for a long time: immediately recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic,” the Russian president said in a televised speech for almost a week. hour duration.

Putin added that he made the decision after receiving a request in this regard from the respective pro-Russian leaders of both territories and once the Duma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) sent him a resolution on February 15 to urge him to take that step. .

“I emphasize once again that Ukraine for us is not just a neighboring country. It is an integral part of our own history, culture, spiritual space. These are our comrades, relatives, among whom are not only colleagues, friends, former colleagues, but also relatives, people connected with us by blood, relatives,” Putin said.

In a ceremony in the Kremlin, Putin signed two decrees recognizing the pro-Russian regions, which have been facing the Ukrainian Army for almost eight years in a war that has claimed the lives of some 14,000 people -according to the UN- and that It has intensified in recent days.

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Source: Elcomercio

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