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Peruvian team: fans of the ‘Blanquirroja’ made flag | VIDEO

Lima, March 21, 2022Updated on 03/21/2022 10:30 pm

The Peruvian team has been training in Videna, under the command of the technical command of Ricardo Gareca, initially thinking about the match against Uruguay (Thursday, March 24), on date 17 of the Qatar 2022 Qualifiers. Continuing with the planning, the squad He went to the concentration hotel during the night of this Monday, after training.

From the departure of the bus from La Videna, a large number of fans were observed in the surroundings, who expressed their encouragement with songs and applause. In the midst of this festive context, the members of the ‘Blanquirroja’ left the headquarters of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF).

After a few minutes of transfer, the Peruvian team arrived at the concentration hotel located in Miraflores, where another large group of fans were waiting. Immediately, people began to voice their support in unison, accompanied by musical instruments such as drums and trumpets.

The meeting had a long duration and the expectation for Peru vs. Uruguay in Montevideo is getting bigger. Despite the fact that Ricardo Gareca’s team will play as a visitor, it has been confirmed that there will be ‘Blanquirroja’ fans supporting them at the stadium.

For now, the technical command continues to prepare the plan to steal points on the penultimate day of the Qatar 2022 Qualifiers, but the ‘Tiger’ decided to try a lineup: Pedro Gallese; Luis Advíncula, Christian Ramos, Alexander Callens, Marcos López; Wilder Cartagena, Yoshimar Yotún, André Carrillo, Edison Flores, Christian Cueva and Gianluca Lapadula (4-2-3-1).

When do Peru vs. Uruguay?

The match Peru vs. Uruguay is scheduled for next Thursday, March 24, from 6:30 pm (Peruvian time), at the Centenario Stadium in Montevideo. Currently, the ‘Charrúas’ occupy fourth place, with 22 points; while the ‘Blanquirroja’ is in the fifth box, adding 21 units.

Source: Elcomercio

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