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Mexico: a man killed his son-in-law when he discovered that he mistreated his daughter

A terrible case occurred in Mexico when a 51-year-old man killed his son-in-law, a 22-year-old, after discovering that his daughter suffered physical and psychological abuse.

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According to Clarín, the event occurred in San Luis Potosi in Mexico. Before the tragedy, the young woman -named Karina- fled her home after being beaten by Uriel, the fatal victim.

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Before the scene, the woman called the emergency room, but they were slow to arrive. This is how she decided to take her baby in her arms and get out of it, because she feared for her life.

She arrived at 5 in the morning at her parents’ house and they received her. After learning of her aggression, Marcelino went in search of her son-in-law to claim him.

However, it all ended in a fight and the young woman’s father fatally wounded his son-in-law with a knife.

Before the Investigation and Expert Police arrived, the body was lifted and 51-year-old Marcelino, who is the alleged culprit, was sent to preventive detention.

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Source: Elcomercio

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