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Regatas defeated Alianza Lima 3-1 and was one step away from the title in the Superior National Volleyball League

Lima, April 10, 2022Updated on 04/10/2022 10:40 pm

The National Superior Volleyball League of Peru entered its most decisive stage and this Sunday the second final of the series for the title was played. This time, Regatas Lima once again imposed conditions on Alianza Lima (1-3) and established a 2-0 lead in the key, remaining one more win away from obtaining the crown.

The Villa El Salvador Sports Center had a spectacular atmosphere, thanks to the large number of fans who attended. The ‘Intimates’, under the command of coach Carlos Aparicio, came out motivated and, after a solid performance, managed to win 25-22 in the first set. The outlook was favourable.

However, Regatas Lima, with coach Horacio Bastit at the helm, responded quickly: their team leveled with a resounding 20-25. Taking advantage of that emotional momentum, they managed to come back partially, this time with a larger advantage: it was 16-25 in 27 minutes of competition.

Alianza Lima needed to react so as not to be left empty-handed, but the members of the squad could not reverse history: they fell 20-25 in the fourth set. In this way, the team from La Victoria finished 2-0 against on aggregate, a situation that complicates the aspiration to the title.

Let us remember that the final of the Superior National Volleyball League consists of five duels and the winning team of three matches will be consecrated with the championship. So far, Regatas Lima has been accurate, posting a favorable 3-0 and 1-3, and will seek to secure its crown next Wednesday, April 13, in the third game of the series.

Source: Elcomercio

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