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The mothers will enter the University vs. University for free. Atlético Trujillo for the Women’s League

A new edition of Mother’s Day will be celebrated this Sunday in Peru and in other countries around the world. This festivity is not unrelated to soccer since Universitario de Deportes announced good news for mothers regarding the commitment against Atlético Trujillo for the Women’s League.

The cream club mentioned that the parents will enter the Monumental Stadium for free to witness said meeting that will be played this May 8 from 11 in the morning. This was announced by the student team through a publication on its Twitter account.

The sports institution explained that the assistant, who has a ticket, will be able to go to the venue in the company of his mother who will have a free pass. The price of the ticket is 8 soles and the followers will have access to the western tribune.

The information was celebrated by the followers as they will celebrate this special day with their families. “I will take the woman of life so that we can encourage the team”, “It’s a nice promotion that I can’t miss” either “Keep up these deals.” either “He will arrive with my mom to support Universitario”were some of the comments.

How is Universitario doing in the Women’s League?

The ‘Leonas’ are in fifth place in the tournament with 9 points in four games. The merengue team has three victories (UTC, Sport Boys and Deportivo Municipal) and only lost to Alianza Lima (2-0), which is the leader in the championship.

Source: Elcomercio

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